Let me get this blog’s boast out of the way early: as you read this in increasingly wintry Blighty, I’m flying to Australia, where the sun is out.

Having got that off my chest with apologies, let me get to the heart of what I wanted this blog to be about: relationships. From a friendship to a marriage, relationships rise and fallon the quality of their conversations. Relationships are, after all, about sharing: sharing time, but also information. That is, you’re only as close as your communication allows you to be.

Business relationships are no different to personal ones in this regard: the knowledge we share with clients makes our work for them stronger, and as we build that relationship over time our co-operation becomes something ever more powerful – and ever more fruitful.

Take our client OhTen, for example: they’re the client I’m joining on that flight Down Under. We’ve been working with them for some years on their service, a consultative process designed to help clients enhance their growth strategies; when they first came to us, they were strangers – but now we know them and their offering inside-out, and have made their offering a sector leader by devising bespoke digital solutions which have transformed their business.

I’ve worked very closely with them, understanding their systems and values in order to transplant these to more efficient, more attractive, more future-proof digital applications. They came to us with a huge binder of learning material that was bulky and difficult to transport for tutor and learners alike; they now have an interactive app that collates information during sessions, displays it back, and enhances the learning experience. And we’re improving it all the time. By allying OhTen’s unrivalled knowledge of their own business with our own design know-how, then, we’ve come up with something really special. In fact, I now attend every first meeting they have with a new client, because they consider my knowledge of their digital offering to be so central to the collaborative learning experience they provide their clients.

All of this started with a simple conversation. That’s why we encourage businesses to get in touch and have a chat in the first instance – who knows what we can achieve together before we chew the fat over a coffee? We each have something to bring to the table, and in sharing our information we might create something pretty special for your business.

I can’t guarantee a trip to Australia, though. Sorry.

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